Ending Female Pain author Isa Herrera featured on MTV's True Life Documentary
Dr. Northrup interviews Isa about Ending Female Pain, calling Isa's book "The best thing I have seen on the subject."
Informative Oprah.com article about pelvic conditions like vulvodynia, vaginismus, incontinence, and painful sex, featuring Isa and her book Ending Female Pain.
Great Salon.com article about the prevelance of sexual pain and how one woman found RELIEF after treatment at Renew Physical Therapy with our dedicated team.
Nationally renowned radio hosts Brenda Michaels and Rob Spears recently interviewed Isa about self-help techniques for pelvic floor rehabilitation as part of their women's health series.
Voice of America's leading sex education show "Sex with Jaiya" interviews Isa Herrera and Ellen Heed in a show called "Sexual Healing for Women- Ending Pelvic Pain"
Susan Bilheimer, leading author and host of Midlife Woman's Radio, in this exclusive radio interview with Isa Herrera.
Exclusive information about Interstitial Cystitis in this interview
Ending Female Pain Featured on It's Your Health Radio
Lisa Davis talks to Isa about her great new book and her mission.
Ending Female Pain Featured Dr Christiane Northrup Monthly Online E-newsletter.
Dr. Northrup also says - "Ending Female Pain is a treasure. Isa Herrera has put together the best possible resource for helping women heal pelvic pain and live fully and comfortably."
NBC Extra